Advertise your unique facility in our Meeting Venue Guide on 36 local community websites. With a low price of $195.00/year (or FREE with some enticing options detailed below), your Meeting Venue advertisement will include:
To ensure that the business community views the Meeting Venue Guide, it will be featured in monthly newsletters that are emailed to 50,000 people and highlighted throughout our website!
Boost your exposure exponentially with our Dynamic Ad Program! This includes an ad box that rotates in the sidebar through all interior pages. Learn more.
Fill out our Dynamic Ad form and pay for the full year ($750). In the comment block on the form, please enter "Meeting Venue Ad Free" so we know right away that you are a meeting venue. Once your payment is received, we will contact you about setting up the free Meeting Venue Guide Ad.
Occupy valuable real estate and have an impactfully large banner at the top of our Meeting Venue Guide. Be the first venue that people see when they visit our guide - your billboard on our site. This program is offered on a first come basis and only one slot is available. The cost is $1,195 for a full year. Call Mary Ann at 215-340-7692 or email
for more information and to determine availability.