Hope of the Harvest Charitable Garden
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Hope of the Harvest Charitable Garden
Registration is now open for the 2017 Hope of the Harvest Charitable Garden

On the campus of Delaware Valley University, vegetables and fruits are being grown to feed our hungry neighbors! Hope of the Harvest donated up to 50,000 pounds of fresh food each year to Bucks County pantries. Del Val and BCOC need volunteers to help harvest the food each week, from May 23 through October.  All ages and skill levels welcome! Tuesday and Thursday mornings.  

Find all the details and register your group here: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e44a4af2ca6f49-hope
You can register up to the maximum number of people allowed on any given date.  While we try to keep as many dates as is feasible, there can be cancelations due to weather, and food that is ripe (or not ready) for harvest.

You can help distribute those fruits and veggies to families in Ottsville and Bristol!  

We also have additional NEW opportunities in our food program- Fresh Connect! Fresh Connect is a free farmer’s market style produce distribution that happens weekly, year-round- and we need help from volunteers every week!

Every Friday at 12 pm at BCCC’s lower Bucks Campus in Bristol

Every Thursday (beginning 5/18) at 11 am in Ottsville

For more information and how to volunteer, visit our Fresh Connect web page.  We are looking for 10 people to assist on our kick off day, May 18th and every Thursday thereafter!