Calendar of Events for Ambler, Montgomery County PA and Surrounding Communities

Events Calendar

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Please note: events are entered by the individual event-holders. Please check the event websites or contacts to be sure the event has not been delayed by weather or canceled.

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Please note: events are entered by the individual event-holders. Please check the event websites or contacts to be sure the event has not been delayed by weather or canceled.

Village Players of Hatboro,
401 Jefferson Ave, Hatboro, PA 19025
Date: 11/15/24-11/17/24 Time: 8:00 p.m. Fridays/Saturdays; 2:00 p.m. Sundays
CONTACT: 215-675-6774   |    EMAIL
Drama. Adapted from the novel by Louisa May Alcott. Jo March isn't your typical Victorian lady. She's indecorous and headstrong, and one day she's going to be a great American novelist. Admission $20

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